
Fair Market Value Reporting in Silver Spring, MD

A Fair Market Value or an Actual Cash Value (ACV) is an important figure to understand and one we can help you assess in the event you’re seeking or receiving payout for a totaled car, need a valuation for an estate, or need your classic or customized car valued for your insurance policy.

Automobiles are highly subject to valuation discrepancies, largely due to variations in physical condition, high or low mileage considerations, variations in trim level or just basic market fluctuations, such as time of year or the number of a particular vehicle for sale in the current market. In all cases, we strive to provide an accurate value or collision repair estimate for our clients vehicle that is rooted in fact , reason, and is based on accepted industry standards. We provide a complete breakdown of your vehicle, including condition, equipment, mileage and more, as to ensure the value we present is accurate and fair.

The reason we’re so widely trusted as a vehicle appraiser in Silver Spring, MD, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia is because we use broad data to back our reporting and valuations. We take a common-sense approach to vehicle appraisal, using industry accepted vehicle condition ratings and real, independent sales data specific to your vehicle.

Finally, all of our appraisals are handled in-house and certified by our appraisers. By choosing an accredited appraiser, you can SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE CHANCES OF SUCCESS FOR YOUR CLAIM. If a risk is taken on an inexperienced or improperly trained appraiser, it can cost exponentially in the long run. We often encounter clients who are shopping for appraisers and we encourage our clients to do so, as its always a smart business decision to compare services. But please keep in mind you should make sure to compare apples to apples. In our experience, the vast majority of independent appraisers lack even the most basic training and qualifications in their field. Their training may be primarily in vehicle collision repair (not vehicle market valuation) and / or the “organizations” they belong to are not recognized and may only require a nominal membership fee to obtain a “certification”. Most of these appraisers may provide a “money back guarantees” for insurance claims, or promise valuations entirely out of the realm of possibility, or may tie their service fee to the outcome of your claim to lure you in. They may not even offer an actual inspection of your vehicle, and if they do, will often hire an outside third party (from the want-ads) to photograph your vehicle to claim it was inspected. These tactics are unethical, unfair and costly to the client. If any of these tactics are used, the report offered can not be considered certified, and the client will be left holding the bag when the any kind of push back is offered by an opposing party. In the end, any valuation you invest in should be made by a reputable and respected appraisal company like ours. We will help guide you through the entire process, providing sound, experienced based advice the entire way.

Get the Real Value for Your Vehicle

Reed Auto Appraisers & Diminished Value Experts LLC is the foremost authority for car appraisal in Silver Spring, MD, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia. Contact us today at 301-946-6116 and you’ll see why. We deliver accurate reporting in a timely, professional manner, so the value of your vehicle is never in question.